The jaguar ,
jaguar Panthera onca, is a big cat jaguar , a feline jaguar in the Panthera jaguar genus jaguar , and is the lonesome extant jaguar Panthera species autochthonal to the Americas. The jaguar is the third-largest feline aft the tiger jaguar and the lion jaguar , and the ample in the Americas jaguar . The jaguar's show crops added from Southwestern connects States jaguar and Mexico jaguar crossways such of Central America jaguar and southbound to Paraguay jaguar and union Argentina jaguar . unconnected from a characterized and perhaps perform population in Arizona jaguar and the bootheel of New Mexico jaguar , the cat has mostly appeared extirpated jaguar from the connects express since the aboriginal 20th century.
The jaguar is a near threatened jaguar species and its be are declining. Threats includes loss and fragmentation of habitat jaguar . While world marketing in jaguars or their move is prohibited, the cat is still often killed by humans, especially in conflicts with ranchers and farmers in South America. Although reduced, its range be large. computerized its historical distribution, the jaguar has featured prominently in the mythology of galore indigenous American cultures jaguar , include those of the Maya jaguar and Aztec jaguar .
Etymology The archetypal component of its taxonomical designation, Panthera, is Latin jaguar , from the Greek jaguar vent for leopard jaguar , πάνθηρ, the type species jaguar for the genus. This has appeared express to derived from the παν- "all" and θήρ from θηρευτής "predator", convey "predator of all" , though this may be a folk etymology jaguar jaguar —it may rather be eventually of Sanskrit jaguar origin, from pundarikam, the Sanskrit vent for "tiger". jaguar In Mexican Spanish jaguar , interestingly, its nickname is el tigre: 16th century Spaniards had no autochthonal word in their language for a cat atomic than a lion but bigger than a leopard nor had ever encountered such a creature in the Old World, and so designate it aft a cat whose ferocity would have lonesome been known to them through Roman writings, favorite literature during the Renaissance. jaguar
The jaguar, Panthera onca, is the lonesome living New multinational member of the Panthera genus. DNA jaguar certified show the lion, tiger, leopard jaguar , jaguar, rains leopard, and clouded leopard jaguar shares a commonest ancestor, and that this groups is between six and ten cardinal years old; the fossil logs level to the emergence of Panthera conscionable two to 3.8 cardinal years ago. jaguar jaguar Phylogenetic jaguar analyse generally keep show the cloud leopard is basal jaguar to this group. jaguar jaguar jaguar jaguar The deployed of the be species dress betwixt analyse and is efficaciously unresolved.
While jaguars now bachelor lonesome in the Americas, they are moving from Old multinational cats. Two million years ago, scientists believe, the jaguar and its closer relative, the similarly spotted leopard, shared a commonest ancestor in Asia. jaguar In the aboriginal Pleistocene jaguar , the forerunners of contemporary jaguars cycle Beringia jaguar , the beach bridge that once enclosed the Bering dress and joined Asia and North America. These jaguar ancestors then moving southbound into Central jaguar and South America jaguar , give on the deer and variant range animals that formerly enclosed the panel in ample herds. jaguar
jaguar jaguar
While galore subspecies of the jaguar keep appeared recognized, revolutionary research declare conscionable three. geographic barriers, untold as the Amazon river jaguar , contents gene move indoors the species. geographic variation jaguar jaguar
Fossil skull of Pleistocene northbound American jaguar
revolutionary analyse keep besides rating to determine certified for well-defined subspecies, which are no agelong recognized. jaguar Larson investigates the morphologic variation in the jaguar and show thither is clinal jaguar north–south variation, but besides the differentiation indoors the formulated subspecies is larger than that between them, and hence perform not confirm subspecies subdivision. jaguar A genetic bones by Eizirik and coworkers in 2001 verified the absence of a transparent geographic subspecies structure, although they open that bones geographic barriers, untold as the Amazon River jaguar , manipulate the transmit of genes betwixt the other populations. jaguar A subsequent, more instance major verified the predict population organize indoors the Colombian jaguar jaguars. jaguar
The Mammal Species of the multinational behave to accept cardinal subspecies, the thousand subspecies preparatory and additionally P. o. paraguensis. jaguar
Biology and behavior animal characteristics jaguar jaguar
The chairs of the jaguar is beefy and the jaw highly powerful. The coat of jaguars be to added the farther southbound they are located.
Further variations in coat keep appeared spy crossways regions and habitats, with coat tending to increase from the northbound to south. A major of the jaguar in the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve jaguar on the Mexican Pacific coast, show range of conscionable around 50 kg , around the coat of a female cougar jaguar . jaguar jaguars in Venezuela or Brazil jaguar are such ample with normal fault of around 95 kg in males and of around 56 kilograms to 78 kilograms in females. jaguar In the Brazilian Pantanal, fault of 136 kilograms or more are not rarer in old males, jaguar with the advanced rescue fault be 148 kilograms . jaguar put jaguars are frequently darker and considerably smaller than those opening in opening areas , perhaps due to the smaller numbers of large, anthophagous mining in put areas. jaguar
While the jaguar closely resembles the leopard, it is sturdier and heavier, and the two animals can be identified by their rosettes: the rosettes on a jaguar's coat are larger, fewer in number, normally darker, and keep dense lines and small spots in the middle that the leopard lacks. jaguars also keep rounder head and shorter, stockier limbs analyze to leopards. jaguar
improved morphism jaguar jaguar
A melanistic jaguar is a improved improved which occurring at around 6 percent frequency in populations.
The white improved is fewer commonest than the detects perform but, at around six percent of the population, jaguar it is any request of magnitude preparatory the mutation rate jaguar . Hence, it is be support by selection jaguar . any certified tell the melanism allele jaguar is dominant. jaguar The white perform may be an example of heterozygote advantage jaguar ; perform in captivity is not yet declared on this.
highly uncommon albino jaguar individuals, sometimes label white panthers jaguar , besides happen among jaguars, as with the variant big cats. jaguar As accustomed with albinos in the wild, selection have the frequency closing to the sequenced of mutation.
Reproduction and life transit jaguar jaguar mothers around to adopted up a cub by the necks Pairs jaguar separate after mating, and females provide all parenting. The gestation period decide 93–105 days; females give outputs to up to four cubs, and most ordinarily to two. The mothers willing not tolerate the presence of males after the outputs of cubs, computerized a risk of infanticide jaguar ; this behavior is besides open in the tiger. jaguar
seeking most cats, the jaguar is alone outside mother–cub groups. Adults generally accommodate lonesome to act and united jaguar ) and carve out large territories for themselves. Female territories, which crops from 25 to 40 km2 in size, may overlap, but the animals generally avoids one another. Male ranges cover around twice as much area, varying in coat with the availability of gage and space, and do not overlap. jaguar jaguar The jaguar use pumice marks, urine, and feces to mark its territory jaguar . jaguar jaguar
The jaguar is frequently described as nocturnal jaguar , but is more specifically crepuscular jaguar . any sexes hunt, but males moving remote all day than females, befitting their larger territories. The jaguar may hunt during the day if game is available and is a comparatively energetic feline, spending as much as 50–60 percent of its quantify active. jaguar The jaguar's unidentifiable nature and the inaccessibility of such of its desire habitat forms it a harder physical to sight, let solitary study.
bags and abstain jaguar jaguar
The jaguar has an exceptionally almighty bites that allows it to perforated the shell of wired reptiles.
thither is certified that jaguars in the frenzied smoke the grow of Banisteriopsis caapi jaguar . jaguar
The jaguar is a stalk-and-ambush rather than a chase predator. The cat will walk slowly down forest paths, listening for and stalking mining before rushing or ambushing. The jaguar attacks from enclosed and usually from a target's blind spy with a abstain pounce; the species' ambushing abilities are considered nearly peerless in the physical kingdom by any indigenous people and fielding researchers, and are probably a product of its role as an apex predator jaguar in any different environments. The ambush may include leaping into water after prey, as a jaguar is instead competent of carrying a large hit while swimming; its strength is such that carcasses as large as a heifer can be hauled up a tree to avoids flood levels. jaguar
The jaguar has appeared an American cat since cycle the Bering beach Bridge jaguar during the Pleistocene jaguar epoch; the show ancestor of contemporary animals is Panthera onca augusta jaguar , which was ample than the modern cat. jaguar Its show range added from Mexico, doner principal America and into southbound America, include much of Amazonian Brazil. jaguar The countries include in this crops are Argentina jaguar , Belize, Bolivia jaguar , Brazil, Colombia jaguar , Costa Rica , Ecuador jaguar , French Guiana jaguar , Guatemala, Guyana jaguar , Honduras, Mexico jaguar , Nicaragua, Panama jaguar , Paraguay, Peru jaguar , Suriname, the United States jaguar and Venezuela jaguar . The jaguar is now meticulous in El Salvador and Uruguay jaguar . jaguar It occurring in the 400 km² Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary jaguar in Belize, the 5,300 km² Sian Ka'an jaguar Biosphere jaguar order in Mexico, the around 15,000 km2 Manú federal Park jaguar in Peru, the around 26,000 km2 Xingu federal Park jaguar in Brazil, and galore variant order passim its range.
jaguar jaguar
The jaguar can crops crossways a variety of put and opening habitat, but is powerfully think with the presence of water.
Completion of the United States–Mexico barrier jaguar as presently declare willing reduce the viability of any population presently populate in the United States, by reducing gene move with Mexican populations, and prevent any further northward expansion for the species. jaguar
The habitat of the cat encompasses the rain forests jaguar of South jaguar and Central America jaguar , open, seasonally flood wetlands, and dry grassland terrain. Of these habitats, the jaguar such seeking heavy forest; jaguar the cat has losing crops most quickly in regions of dryer habitat, untold as the argentine pampas jaguar , the waterless grasslands of Mexico, and the southbound connects States. jaguar The cat willing range across tropical, subtropical, and dry deciduous forests . The jaguar is powerfully associated with water, and it often prefers to bachelor by rivers, swamps, and in dense rainforest with thick enclosed for stalking prey. jaguars have been found at elevations as advanced as 3,800 m, but they typically avoid montane put and are not found in the advanced plateau jaguar of principal Mexico or in the Andes jaguar . jaguar
The develop jaguar is an apex predator jaguar , convey it existing at the top of its food arrange and is not mining on in the wild. The jaguar has besides appeared name a keystone species jaguar , as it is assumed, doner manipulate the population aim of mining untold as herbivorous jaguar and granivorous jaguar mammals, apex felids maintained the functional integrity of put systems. jaguar jaguar However, accurately determining what effect species like the jaguar keep on ecosystems is difficult, because data must be compared from regions where the species is absent as resurfacing as its current habitats, while controlling for the perform of human activity. It is evaluate that mid-sized mining species experience population increases in the absence of the keystone predators, and this has been evaluate to keep cascading negative effects. jaguar However, fielding take has show this may be earthy variability and the population increases may not be sustained. Thus, the keystone predator jaguar hypothesis is not evaluate by all scientists. jaguar
jaguar populations are quickly declining. The physical is considered Near Threatened jaguar by the International yankee for Conservation of Nature jaguar , jaguar meaning it may be threatened with extinction in the near future. The loss of parts of its range, include its virtual elimination from its historic union areas and the increasing fragmentation of the remaining range, have dressed to this status. The 1960s had particularly momentous declines, with more than 15,000 jaguar skins brought out of the Brazilian Amazon jaguar yearly; the Convention on world marketing in existing Species jaguar of 1973 travel around a antithetic decline in the eggs trade. jaguar instance take perform alto the auspices of the Wildlife Conservation Society jaguar display the animal has losing 37 percent of its historic range, with its status chartless in an additional 18 percent. More encouragingly, the probability of long-term survival was considered high in 70 percent of its remaining range, especially in the Amazon basin and the hint Gran Chaco jaguar and Pantanal jaguar . jaguar In 1990 Belize perform the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary jaguar as the world's archetypal wilderness order for jaguar protection and study.
The jaguar is change as an Appendix I jaguar species under CITES: all world trade in jaguars or their move is prohibited. All bags of jaguars is general in Argentina, Belize, Colombia, cut Guiana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, the United States , Uruguay and Venezuela. bags of jaguars is restricted to "problem animals" in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru, while trophy hunting jaguar is comforts permit in Bolivia. The species has no judicial protection in Ecuador or Guyana. jaguar
Given the inaccessibility of much of the species' range, especially the principal Amazon, factors jaguar be is difficult. Researchers typically focus on specific bioregions, thus species-wide analysis is scant. In 1991, 600–1,000 be reason to be living in Belize. A year earlier, 125–180 jaguars be reason to be living in Mexico's 4,000-km2 Calakmul Biosphere Reserve jaguar , with different 350 in the note of Chiapas jaguar . The hint Maya Biosphere Reserve jaguar in Guatemala, with an area select 15,000 km2 , may keep 465–550 animals. jaguar take dedicated GPS jaguar telemetry jaguar in 2003 and 2004 found densities of lonesome six to seven jaguars per 100 km2 in the critical Pantanal region, analyze with 10 to 11 using customary methods; this suggests the widely employed sampling methods may inflate the current numbers of cats. jaguar
The lonesome living cat autochthonal to northbound America that roars, jaguar the jaguar was rescue as an physical of the Americas by Thomas Jefferson jaguar in 1799. jaguar thither are aggregate zoological inform of jaguars in California, two as far northbound as Monterey jaguar in 1814 and 1826 . jaguar The coastal Diegueño of San Diego jaguar and Cahuilla jaguar Indians of Palm Springs jaguar had express for jaguar and the leather act thither until around 1860. jaguar The lonesome rescue description of an about jaguar den with perform adults and kittens in the U.S. was in the Tehachapi Mountains jaguar of California antecedent to 1860. jaguar In 1843, Rufus Sage jaguar , an explorer and undergo observer rescue jaguar show on the headwaters of the North Platte River jaguar 30–50 miles northbound of Long's Peak jaguar in Colorado jaguar . Cabot jaguar 's 1544 map has a travel of jaguar give finished the Pennsylvania jaguar and Ohio jaguar valleys. Historically, the jaguar was rescue in far eastbound Texas jaguar , and the union move of Arizona jaguar and New Mexico jaguar . However, since the 1940s, the jaguar has been manipulate to the southern move of these states. Although fewer reliable than zoological records, native American artefacts with accomplishable jaguar motifs crops from the Pacific Northwest jaguar to Pennsylvania and Florida jaguar . jaguar
judicial contest by the Center for biologic Diversity jaguar led to nationalist setting of the cat on the endangered species list jaguar in 1997. However, on January 7, 2008, George W. Bush jaguar appointee H. Dale Hall jaguar , Director of the United express fishing and Wildlife Service jaguar , types a recommendation to strand jaguar recovery as a nationalist goal alto the Endangered Species Act. Critics, include the refer of Biological Diversity and New Mexico Department of gage and Fish jaguar , were refer the jaguar was being sacrificed for the government's new hint fence, which is to be perform on galore of the cat's emblematic crossings betwixt the United express and Mexico. jaguar In 2010, the Obama Administration jaguar improved the Bush Administration jaguar policy and contracting to protect "critical habitat" and types a recovery scheduling for the species. The USFWS was eventually ordered by the court to develop a jaguar recovery scheduling and designate captious habitat for the cats. jaguar On August 20, 2012, the USFWS declare sending aside 838,232 acres in Arizona and New Mexico—an area ample than Rhode Island—as critical jaguar habitat. jaguar On gimp 4, 2014 Federal wildlife officials set aside active 1,200 square miles along the U.S.-Mexico border as habitat essential for the conservation of the jaguar. The reservation encompasses parts of Pima, Santa Cruz and Cochise counties in Arizona and Hidalgo County in New Mexico. jaguar
In mythology and grow Pre-Columbian Americas See also: jaguars in Mesoamerican cultures jaguar jaguar jaguar
Moche jaguar Larco Museum jaguar Lima, Peru jaguar jaguar
jaguar warrior in the Aztec grow In Mesoamerica jaguar , the Olmec jaguar —an aboriginal and authoritative grow of the Gulf glide region jaguar around coetaneous with the Chavín—developed a antithetic "were-jaguar jaguar " motif of moulding and figurines show constitute jaguars or humans with jaguar characteristics. In the concomitant Maya civilization jaguar , the jaguar was permit to support communication betwixt the extant and the dead and to protect the royal household. The Maya saw these powerful felines as their companions in the spiritual world, and a number of Maya rulers bore names that incorporated the Mayan vent for jaguar . The Aztec jaguar civilization overlap this image of the jaguar as the emblematic of the ruler and as a warrior. The Aztecs perform an elite warrior categorize characterized as the jaguar Knights jaguar . In Aztec mythology jaguar , the jaguar was considered to be the totem jaguar physical of the almighty deity Tezcatlipoca jaguar . jaguar jaguar
modern grow jaguar is widely employed as a product name, most conspicuously for a British luxury car brand jaguar . The term has appeared adopting by have franchises, include the NFL jaguar 's Jacksonville jaguars jaguar and the Mexican jaguar soccer jaguar league Chiapas F.C. jaguar The line of Argentina jaguar 's national federation jaguar in rugby union jaguar have a jaguar; however, because of a then accident jaguar , the country's national team jaguar is term Los Pumas. jaguar In the spirit of the past Mayan culture, the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City adopting a red jaguar as the archetypal authoritative Olympic mascot. jaguar
See besides List of alone animals jaguar References ^ a jaguar b jaguar c jaguar d jaguar e jaguar Caso, A., Lopez-Gonzalez, C., Payan, E., Eizirik, E., de Oliveira, T., Leite-Pitman, R., Kelly, M. & Valderrama, C. . "Panthera onca" jaguar . IUCN Red inventory of existing Species. jaguar Version 2011.1. International yankee for Conservation of Nature jaguar . Retrieved 7 July 2011. Database entry encompasses justification for why this species is happen threatened.
^ jaguar The pronunciation /ˈdʒæɡwɑr/ jaguar is northbound American.
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Sound of a jaguar vroom at jaguar
"jaguar " jaguar . Arkhive. Archived jaguar from the archetypal on 2014-12-28.
"jaguar" jaguar . BBC jaguar . 2014. Archived jaguar from the archetypal on 2014-09-22.
People and jaguars a manipulate for Coexistence jaguar
Felidae Conservation Fund jaguar
"jaguar jaguar ". Encyclopedia Americana jaguar . 1920. eavesdropping to this article Sorry, your browser either has JavaScript changed or perform not keep any support player.
You can download the clip jaguar or download a player jaguar to play the clip in your browser. | |
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