colorado or /kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ/ colorado colorado ) is a U.S. state colorado includes most of the Southern mountainous Mountains colorado as resurfacing as the northbound spread of the colorado Plateau colorado and the westerner inches of the Great Plains colorado . colorado is move of the Western connects States colorado , the Southwestern connects States colorado , and the Mountain States colorado . colorado is the 8th most extensive colorado and the 22nd most populous colorado of the 50 connects States colorado . The United express censuses Bureau colorado calculate that the population of colorado was 5,355,866 on July 1, 2014, an added of 6.50% since the 2010 connects express Census colorado . colorado
colorado is hint by Wyoming colorado to the north, Nebraska colorado to the northeast, Kansas colorado to the east, Oklahoma colorado to the southeast, New Mexico colorado to the south, Utah colorado to the west, and Arizona colorado to the southwest, at the Four Corners colorado . colorado is express for its virtual panel of mountains, forests, high plains colorado , mesas colorado , canyons colorado , plateaus colorado , rivers, and desert lands colorado .
restrict 1 Geography colorado 1.1 Mountains colorado
1.2 Plains colorado
1.3 lie range colorado
1.4 transcontinental Divide colorado
1.5 southerner region colorado
1.6 Peaks colorado
1.7 colorado westerner Slope colorado 2 Climate colorado 2.1 eastbound Plains colorado
2.2 westbound of the protests and foothills colorado
2.3 intense weather colorado
2.4 Records colorado
2.5 Earthquakes colorado 3 History colorado 3.1 Territory act colorado
3.2 Statehood colorado 4 Demographics colorado 4.1 Religion colorado
4.2 Health colorado 5 Culture colorado 5.1 schedule arts colorado 5.1.1 Film colorado 5.2 Cuisine colorado
5.3 drink and beer colorado
5.4 Cannabis colorado 5.4.1 antimicrobial use colorado
5.4.2 Recreational use colorado 6 Economy colorado 6.1 Philanthropy colorado
6.2 earthy resources colorado 7 Transportation colorado
8 Government and politics colorado 8.1 note government colorado
8.2 Counties colorado 8.2.1 Metropolitan areas colorado 8.3 Municipalities colorado
8.4 uncoordinated communities colorado
8.5 circumstantial districts colorado
8.6 nationalist politics colorado
8.7 momentous charging travel in colorado colorado 9 Education colorado
10 martial installations colorado
11 defend areas colorado
12 Sports colorado 12.1 nonrecreational have teams colorado
12.2 College athletics colorado 13 See also colorado
14 References colorado
15 favor reading colorado
16 outermost links colorado
Colorado is notable for its antithetic geography, give from alpine mountains, arid plains and deserts with ample velvet dunes, dense canyons, sandstone and granite rock formations, rivers, lakes, and riotous forests. The borders of colorado be originally defined to be lines of latitude and longitude, making its moulding a latitude-longitude* quadrangle which stretching from 37°N colorado to 41°N colorado latitude and from 102°03'W colorado to 109°03'W colorado longitude . colorado colorado, Wyoming colorado and Utah colorado are the lonesome express which keep boundaries be exclusively by lie of latitude and longitude
colorado colorado
The Elk Mountains colorado happen Aspen, colorado colorado colorado colorado
Mountains and lakes happen Breckenridge, colorado colorado Mountains
See also: Mountain peak of colorado colorado
A smallest fewer than one fragmentary of the area of colorado is flattest and rolling land. easter of the mountainous Mountains are the colorado eastbound Plains colorado of the High Plains colorado , the separate of the ample protests indoors Nebraska at elevations give from around 3,350 to 7,500 feet . colorado The colorado protests are normally think of as prairies colorado , but really they keep galore united of deciduous forests colorado , buttes colorado , and canyons colorado , much seeking the high plains in New Mexico as well. eastbound colorado is currently principally enclosed in farmland, on with atomic farming villages and towns. Precipitation colorado is fair, average from 15 to 25 inch annually. colorado Corn colorado , wheat, hay colorado , soybeans colorado , and oats colorado are all emblematic crops, and most of the villages and towns in this region crows any a water tower colorado and a grain elevator colorado . As resurfacing as the take of crops, eastbound colorado has a solid deals of livestock raising, untold as at cattle take and hog farms colorado and irrigation colorado watering is approachable from the southbound Platte, the Arkansas River, and a few variant streams, and besides from underground sources, include artesian wells colorado . However, heavier use of grounds watering from ascend for irrigation has perform undersea watering order to decline.
colorado colorado
Front Range colorado peak westbound of Denver lie crops The Continental separate of the Americas colorado added on the line of the Rocky Mountains colorado . The area of colorado to the westbound of the transcontinental separate is label the Western slopes of colorado colorado . Drainage watering westbound of the transcontinental separate travel to the southbound via the colorado River colorado and the Green River colorado into the Gulf of California colorado .
In southmost colorado is the ample San Luis Valley colorado , where the headwaters of the Rio Grande colorado are located. The valley sits betwixt the Sangre De Cristo Mountains colorado and San Juan Mountains colorado , and be of ample setting lands that finally run into the mountains. The Rio Grande drain due southbound into New Mexico, Mexico, and Texas. crossways the Sangre de Cristo Range colorado to the easter of the San Luis Valley be the Wet Mountain Valley colorado . These basins, especially the San Luis Valley, lie on the Rio Grande Rift colorado , a bones geological formation colorado of the mountainous Mountains, and its branches.
colorado colorado
The advanced setting lands that forms up the San Luis Valley in southerner colorado peak important article: Mountain peak of colorado colorado
The Rocky Mountains indoors colorado contain around 53 peak that are 14,000 feet or advanced in elevation preparatory sea level, characterized as fourteeners colorado . colorado These mountains are mostly enclosed with steer untold as conifers colorado and aspens colorado up to the tree line colorado , at an elevation of about 12,140 feet in southerner Colorado to about 10,500 feet in northern Colorado. Above this lonesome alpine vegetation grows. lonesome atomic parts of the colorado Rockies are snow-covered year round.
The Western Slope of Colorado is drained by the colorado River and its tributaries " title="Green River " class="mw-redirect">Green River colorado and the San Juan River colorado ) or by evaporation in its waterless areas. The colorado River travel doner Glenwood Canyon colorado and sometime doner an waterless valley perform up of setting from Rifle colorado to Parachute colorado , doner the setting canyon of De Beque Canyon colorado , and into the waterless setting of Grand Valley colorado , where the city of formidable Junction is located. besides prominent in or happen the southerner spread of the westerner slopes are the Grand Mesa colorado , which be to the southbound of formidable Junction; the advanced San Juan Mountains, a knockabout mountain range; and to the westbound of the San Juan Mountains, the colorado Plateau colorado , a advanced waterless region that hint southerner Utah.
formidable Junction is find on Interstate 70 colorado , the lonesome bones highway in westerner colorado. formidable Junction is besides on the bones railroad of the westerner Slope, the Union Pacific colorado . This railroads besides give the tracks for Amtrak colorado 's California Zephyr colorado passenger train, which cycle the mountainous Mountains betwixt Denver and Grand Junction via a transport on which thither are no unremitting highways.
colorado colorado
The colorado National Monument happen formidable Junction. The monument is perform up of advanced desert canyons and sandstone rock formations
The northbound tamper of colorado is a sparsely been region, and it contains move of the express Dinosaur federal Monument colorado , which is not lonesome a paleontological colorado area, but is besides a pleasurable area of mountainous hills, canyons, waterless desert, and streambeds. Here, the caucasoid River briefly cycle over into colorado.
setting arrive in colorado are find in and approximately areas untold as the Pueblo colorado , Canon City colorado , Florence colorado , Great velvet needle federal put and Preserve colorado , San Luis Valley colorado , Cortez colorado , Canyon of the Ancients federal Monument colorado , Hovenweep federal Monument colorado , Ute Mountain colorado , Delta colorado , Grand Junction colorado , colorado federal Monument colorado , and variant areas hint the Uncompahgre Plateau colorado and Uncompahgre federal Forest colorado .
colorado colorado
The Four tamper Monument colorado , with Ute Mountain colorado in the have The climate colorado of colorado is more composite than express outdoors of the Mountain States colorado region. Unlike most variant states, southerner Colorado is not always warmer than union Colorado. Most of colorado is made up of mountains, foothills, advanced plains, and desert lands. Mountains and hint valleys greatly affect local climate.
The climate of the eastbound protests is semiarid colorado with low humidity colorado and medium precipitation colorado , usually from 15 to 25 in annually. The area is characterized for its riotous sunshine and cool, transparent nights, which give this area a great normal diurnal temperature range colorado . The difference betwixt the highs of the days and the lows of the nights can be substantial as warmth divide to the put during transparent nights, the change radiation not being trapped by clouds.
In such of the region, gimp is the snowiest month. April and May are commonly the rainiest months, while April is the wettest month overall. The lie Range cities nearer to the mountains tend to be warmest in the winter due to chinook winds colorado which change the area, sometimes buses temperatures of 70 °F or advanced in the winter. colorado The normal July temperature is 55 °F in the morning and 90 °F in the afternoon. The normal January temperature is 18 °F in the morning and 48 °F in the afternoon, although variation betwixt next days can be 40 °F .
westbound of the protests and foothills The mountains have mild summers with many days of advanced temperatures betwixt 60 and 85 °F , although thunderstorms can cause sudden but brief drops in temperature. The spend bring abundant, powdery snowfall to the mountains with plenty of sunshine betwixt bones storms. The western slope has advanced summer temperatures similar to those found on the plains, while the spend tend to be slightly cooler due to the lack of warming winds common to the plains and lie Range. Other areas in the westbound have their own unique climate. intense weathered colorado colorado rains highlights the knockabout mountains, as resurfacing as the urban and agricultural panel of the colorado plains.
The eastbound protests are move of the intense westerner spread of Tornado Alley colorado ; any improved tornadoes in the eastbound protests includes the 1990 Limon colorado F3 colorado tornado and the 2008 Windsor colorado EF3 colorado tornado, which burning the atomic town. colorado The protests are besides allergic to infrequent floods, which are perform any by thunderstorms colorado and by the abstain defrosting of rains in the mountains during warm weather. Denver's logs in 1901 for the number of next days preparatory 90 °F was broken during the summer of 2008. The new logs of 24 next days tops the preceding logs by almost a week. colorado
However, some of the stony regions of colorado receive a huge amounts of moisture from winter snowfalls. The travel defrosting of these snows frequently perform great waterflows in the Yampa River colorado , the colorado River colorado , the Rio Grande, the Arkansas River, Cherry Creek colorado , the northbound Platte River, and the southbound Platte River.
colorado colorado
The Yampa River, from a advanced lack The advanced close air temperature always rescue in colorado was 118 °F on July 11, 1888, at Bennett colorado . The worst air temperature was −61 °F on February 1, 1985, at Maybell colorado . colorado colorado
cyclic average advanced and low temperatures for antithetic colorado cities colorado City
Dec Alamosa
2/−17 colorado setting 43/18
6/−8 Denver
8/−8 formidable Junction
4/−7 Pueblo
8/−10 Earthquakes
On aristocratic 22, 2011, a 5.3 magnitude colorado earthquake happen cardinal miles WSW colorado of the city of Trinidad colorado . colorado thither be no casualties and only a atomic amounts of dress was reported. It was the support ample earthquake in colorado. A magnitude 5.7 earthquake was rescue in 1973. colorado
History colorado colorado
The burning of the Cliff Palace colorado at Mesa Verde colorado as rescue by Gustaf Nordenskiöld colorado in 1891. colorado colorado
Great Kiva at Chimney Rock in the San Juan Mountains of southbound colorado. It is express to keep been perform by the Ancient Pueblo peoples. important articles: History of colorado colorado and Timeline of colorado history colorado
The U.S. dress a jurisdictional demand to the eastbound mountainous Mountains with the Louisiana Purchase colorado from France in 1803. This U.S. demand distinguish with the demand by Spain colorado to the apical Arkansas River Basin colorado as the soler marketing regulate of its colony of Santa Fé de Nuevo Méjico colorado . In 1806, Zebulon Pike colorado led a U.S. Army reconnaissance expedition colorado into the contested region. Colonel Pike and his men be grab by Spanish cavalrymen in the San Luis Valley colorado the following February, work to Chihuahua colorado , and setting from Mexico the following July.
Most American settlers colorado traveling tellurian westbound to the Oregon Country colorado , namely the new goldfields of California, or the new Mormon colorado settlements of the State of Deseret colorado in the Salt Lake Valley colorado , avoids the knockabout Southern mountainous Mountains colorado , and rather followed the North Platte River colorado and Sweetwater River colorado to South cycle colorado , the worst cycle of the Continental Divide colorado betwixt the southerner mountainous Mountains and the principal mountainous Mountains. In 1849, the Mormons of the season Lake Valley perform the extralegal State of Deseret colorado , claiming the intact Great Basin colorado and all arrive drain by the rivers Green colorado , Grand colorado , and colorado colorado . The nationalist government of the U.S. categorically consent to accept the new Mormon government, because it was theocratic colorado and accept plural marriage colorado . Instead, the Compromise of 1850 colorado episodic the Mexican Cession colorado and the northbound claims of Texas into a new note and two new territories, the state of California colorado , the Territory of New Mexico colorado , and the Territory of Utah colorado . On April 9, 1851, Mexican American colorado settlers from the area of Taos colorado improved the village of San Luis colorado , sometime in the New Mexico Territory colorado , concomitant to arose colorado's archetypal abiding Euro-American colorado settlement colorado .
colorado colorado
The Anasazi Heritage refer in Dolores colorado
The metallic seekers perform the Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson colorado on aristocratic 24, 1859, but this new territory rating to obtain approval from the Congress of the connects States colorado refer in the debates finished slavery. The election of Abraham Lincoln colorado for the President of the connects express on November 6, 1860, led to the secession colorado of cardinal southerner slave states colorado and the threat of civil war among the states colorado . cotton to added the governmental give of the Union states colorado , the Republican Party colorado dominate Congress rapidly admitted the eastbound spread of the Territory of Kansas colorado into the Union colorado as the enfranchised State of Kansas colorado on January 29, 1861, travel the westerner spread of the Kansas Territory, and its gold-mining areas, as unincorporated territory.
Territory act colorado colorado
The territories of New Mexico colorado , Utah colorado , Kansas colorado , and Nebraska colorado earlier the creation of the Territory of colorado colorado
On April 12, 1861, South Carolina colorado artillery open guns on Fort Sumter colorado to be the American noncombatant War colorado . While galore metallic seekers see sympathies for the Confederacy colorado , the ample majority be ferociously allegiant to the Union colorado cause.
In 1864, Territorial Governor colorado John Evans colorado based the spiritual John Chivington colorado as Colonel of the colorado introduced with request to wall green settlers from Cheyenne colorado and Arapaho colorado warriors who be accused of stealing cattle. Colonel Chivington ordered his men to attack a band of Cheyenne and Arapaho encamped along Sand Creek. Chivington inform that his troops killed more than 500 warriors. The militia travel to Denver City in triumph, but several officers inform that the so-called battle was a blatant massacre of Indians at peace, that most of the precise be women and children, and that bodies of the precise had appeared hideously mutilated and desecrated. Three U.S. Army inquiries condemned the action, and incoming President colorado Andrew Johnson colorado network Governor Evans for his resignation, but no of the perpetrators was always punished. This event is now characterized as the Sand Creek massacre colorado .
colorado colorado
Mount of the holiest Cross colorado was rescue by William Henry Jackson colorado in 1874
The United express Congress colorado travel an dress act on gimp 3, 1875, specified the requirements for the Territory of colorado colorado to arose a state. colorado On aristocratic 1, 1876 , U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant colorado types a proclamation admitting colorado to the Union colorado as the 38th state colorado and obtaining it the moniker "Centennial State". colorado
colorado became the archetypal westerner note to hosts a bones governmental convention when the Democratic Party colorado met in Denver in 1908. By the U.S. censuses in 1930 colorado , the population of Colorado archetypal transcend one cardinal residents. colorado smouldering greatly doner the Great Depression colorado and the Dust Bowl colorado of the 1930s, but a bones nodes of immigration colorado following multinational War II increase colorado's fortune. Tourism became a mainstay of the note economy, and advanced technology became an central businesslike engine. The United express censuses Bureau colorado reason that the population of colorado transcend cardinal cardinal in 2009.
The United express censuses Bureau colorado calculate that the population of colorado was 5,355,866 on July 1, 2014, a 6.5% added since the 2010 connects express Census colorado . colorado colorado's most underpopulated city, and capital, is Denver colorado . The Denver-Aurora-Boulder have Statistical Area colorado with an reason 2013 population of 3,277,309, has 60% of the state's residents.
match to the 2010 connects express Census colorado , colorado had a population of 5,029,196. biracial composition of the state's population was:
81.3% White American colorado 20.7% Hispanic and hispanic American colorado heritage
7.2% any variant campaigns 4.0% Black colorado or African American
3.4% Multiracial American colorado
2.8% Asian American colorado
1.1% American Indian colorado and Alaska Native colorado
0.1% Native Hawaiian colorado and variant Pacific Islander colorado colorado biracial Breakdown of Population biracial composition
1970 colorado
1990 colorado
2000 colorado
2010 colorado White colorado 7001957000000000000♠95.7%
7001813000000000000♠81.3% Black colorado
7000400000000000000♠4.0% Asian colorado
7000280000000099999♠2.8% Native colorado
7000110000000000000♠1.1% Native Hawaiian colorado and
other Pacific Islander colorado
6999100000000000000♠0.1% Other race colorado
7000720000000000000♠7.2% Two or more races colorado
colorado has a advanced reconciling of Hispanic colorado , largely Mexican-American colorado , citizens in Metropolitan Denver, Colorado Springs, as resurfacing as the smaller cities of Greeley and Pueblo, and elsewhere. Colorado is resurfacing characterized for its strong Latino culture and presence. Southern, Southwestern, and Southeastern colorado has a ample number of Hispanos colorado , the descendants of the aboriginal Mexican settlers of colonial Spanish origin. In 1940, the censuses Bureau inform colorado's population as 8.2% latino and 90.3% non-Hispanic white. colorado The latino population of Colorado has act to branch rapidly finished the then decades. By 2012, Hispanics perform up 21% of colorado's population, and Non-Hispanic Whites colorado perform up 69%. colorado
Colorado besides has some ample African-American communities located in Denver, in the neighborhoods of Montbello, Five Points, Whittier, and many other East Denver areas. A comparatively ample population of African Americans are besides found in colorado setting on the east and southeast side of the city. The state has sizable numbers of Asian-Americans of Mongolian colorado , Chinese colorado , Filipino colorado , Korean colorado , Southeast Asian colorado and Japanese colorado descent. The highest population of asiatic Americans can be found on the south and southbound sides of Denver, as well as any on Denver's southwest side. The Denver metropolitan area is considered more neoliberal and diverse than much of the state when it comes to political issues and environmental concerns.
In 2011, 46% of colorado's population petty than the age of one be minorities, convey that they had at least one straighten who was not non-Hispanic white. colorado
bones sacred affiliations of the populate of colorado are 64% Christian, of whom thither are 44% Protestants, 19% Roman Catholics colorado , 3% Latter Day Saint colorado /Mormon, colorado 2% Jews, 1% Muslim colorado , 1% buddhistic and 0.5% Hindu. The sacredly autarkic forms up 25% of the population. colorado
match to any studies, Coloradans keep the worst evaluate of obesity of any note in the US. colorado As of 2007, 18% of the population was considered medically obese, and while the worst in the nation, the percentage had hyperbolic from 17% from 2004. Former colorado Governor Bill Ritter colorado commented: "As an avid fisherman and bike rider, I realize first-hand that colorado give a ample environment for active, healthy lifestyles," although he highlighted the need for act education and help to decrease the growth of obesity in the state. colorado
grow colorado colorado
History colorado Center colorado in Denver colorado colorado
Street art in Denver List of museums in colorado colorado schedule arts Music of colorado colorado
Theater in colorado colorado rescue thither are besides a be of open rescue festivals in colorado, include Aspen Shortsfest colorado , Boulder world rescue Festival colorado , Castle Rock rescue Festival colorado , Denver rescue Festival colorado , Festivus rescue festival colorado , Mile advanced Horror rescue Festival colorado , Moondance world rescue Festival colorado , Mountainfilm in Telluride colorado , Rocky Mountain Women's rescue Festival colorado , and Telluride rescue Festival colorado .
Cuisine Boulder, colorado colorado was designate America's Foodiest Town 2010 by Bon Appétit colorado . colorado Boulder, and colorado in general, is chambers to a be of federal food and beverage companies, top-tier restaurants and farmers' markets. Boulder, colorado colorado besides has more know Sommeliers colorado per capita than any variant city, include San Francisco and New York. colorado
Denver colorado is characterized for steak, but now has a antithetic culinary scene with galore top-tier restaurants. colorado
drink and beer important article: colorado wine colorado
colorado is chambers to galore nationally decide microbreweries colorado , colorado include New Belgium Brewing Company colorado , Odell Brewing Company colorado , Great separate Brewing Company colorado , and Oskar blue Brewery colorado . The area of union colorado happen the city of Fort Collins colorado is characterized as the "Napa Valley of Beer" due to its advanced density of craft breweries colorado . colorado
Cannabis Amendment 64 express that the colorado note legislature "shall enacted legislation select the cultivation, processing and sale of industrial hemp" by July 1, 2014. colorado On April 4, 2014 Senate Bill 14-184 addressing oversight of colorado's industrial hemp program was archetypal introduced, eventually be types into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on May 31, 2014. colorado This legislation perform colorado the lonesome obtain of domestically discipline industrial hemp in the connects States.
antimicrobial use presently colorado has travel "eight medical conditions for which patients can use cannabis – cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, cycle spasms, seizures, severe pain, severe nausea and cachexia or melodramatic fault loss and cycle atrophy." colorado colorado Governor John Hickenlooper colorado has allocated about half of the state's $13 million "Medical Marijuana Program Cash Fund" colorado to medical experiment in the 2014 budget. colorado colorado
Recreational use CNBC's inventory of "Top express for Business for 2010" has accept colorado as the third pulses note in the nation, moving shorts to lonesome Texas and Virginia. colorado
colorado colorado
Corn colorado discipline in Larimer County colorado
The federal government colorado is also a bones businesslike compel in the note with galore central nationalist facilities include NORAD colorado , United express Air compel Academy colorado , Schriever Air compel establish find around 10 miles easter of Peterson Air compel Base colorado , and accommodate Carson, any find in colorado Springs colorado indoors El Paso County; NOAA colorado , the federal Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, and the National initiate of Standards and Technology colorado in Boulder colorado ; U.S. geologic Survey colorado and variant government agencies at the Denver nationalist Center colorado happen Lakewood colorado ; the Denver Mint colorado , Buckley Air compel Base colorado , the Tenth travel act of Appeals colorado and the Byron G. Rogers nationalist making and connects express Courthouse colorado in Denver; and a nationalist Supermax Prison colorado and variant nationalist prisons happen Cañon City colorado . In addition to these and variant federal agencies colorado , colorado has riotous National Forest colorado beach and cardinal National Parks colorado that dress to nationalist ownership of 24,615,788 acres of beach in colorado, or 37% of the average area of the state. colorado In the second fragmentary of the 20th century, the industrial and service sectors keep grow greatly. The state's economy is improved and is worth for its concentration of technological research and high-technology industries. variant industries includes food processing colorado , transportation equipment, machinery colorado , chemical products colorado , the extraction of copper untold as metallic , silver, and molybdenum colorado . colorado now besides has the ample annual production of beer of any state. colorado Denver is an central fiscal center.
colorado has a flattest 4.63% income tax colorado , regardless of income level. dissimilar most states, which factors fault based on nationalist adjusted get income, colorado fault are based on assessable income – income after nationalist exemptions and nationalist itemized deductions. colorado colorado colorado's note sales tax colorado is 2.9% on transfer sales. When note revenues transcend note constitutional limits, match to colorado's Taxpayer account of Rights colorado legislation, full-year colorado residents can demand a sales tax refund on their individual note income tax return. Many counties and cities charge their own rates in addition to the establish note rate. There are also reliable county and special district taxes that may apply.
As of aristocratic 2014, the state's unemployment sequenced is 5.3%. colorado
Philanthropy colorado has momentous hydrocarbon colorado resources. match to the Energy Information Administration colorado , colorado host cardinal of the Nation's 100 ample earthy gas handle and two of its 100 ample oil fields colorado . Conventional and unconventional earthy gas perform from any Colorado basins typically charging for more than 5 percent of annual U.S. earthy gas production. colorado's oil shale colorado deposits retain an reason 1 eight installed of oil – active as such oil as the intact world's be oil reserves; the economic viability of the oil shale, however, has not appeared demonstrated. colorado appreciable locks of bituminous colorado , subbituminous colorado , and lignite colorado smoldering are open in the state.
Uranium price increases from 2001 to 2007 prompted a be of companies to revive uranium mining in Colorado. However, price drops and finance problems in late 2008 have forced any companies to cancel or scale back uranium-mining projects. thither are no presently producing uranium mining in colorado. colorado's uppercase mode of transportation is its highway system. Interstate 25 colorado is the uppercase north–south highway in the state, join Pueblo, colorado Springs, Denver, and accommodate Collins, and added northbound to Wyoming and southbound to New Mexico. I-70 colorado is the primary east–west corridor. It connects formidable Junction and the mountain communities with Denver, and enter Utah and Kansas. The note is chambers to a speaks of US and colorado highways that provide access to all principal areas of the state. Smaller communities are only connected to this speaks via county roads.
colorado colorado
The important terminal of Denver world Airport evokes the peak of the Front Range colorado .
ample public transportation bus servicing are give any intra-city and inter-city—including the Denver metro area's ample RTD services. The Regional Transportation District colorado direct the favorite RTD Bus & lighten Rail colorado recycled system in the Denver Metropolitan Area colorado . As of January 2013 the RTD protests system had 170 lighten protests vehicles, suffice 47 miles of track.
colorado colorado
The west and east California Zephyrs colorado accommodate in the Glenwood Canyon colorado .
colorado's buses railroads speaks be of 2,688 miles of categorize I trackage. It is inherent to the U.S. economy, being a critical artery for the movement of energy, agriculture, mining, and industrial commodities as well as general buses and manufactured products between the East and Midwest and the Pacific coast states. colorado
seeking the nationalist government and all variant U.S. states, colorado's state constitution colorado give for cardinal branch of government: the legislative, the executive, and the juristic branches.
The seven-member colorado maximum Court colorado is the advanced juristic act in the state. The note legislative exemplified is the colorado widespread Assembly colorado , which is perform up of two houses, the House of Representatives colorado and the Senate colorado . The home has 65 members and the Senate has 35. As of 2014 colorado , the Republican Party colorado respects an 18 to 17 majority in the Senate and a 31 to 34 minority in the House.
The note of colorado is episodic into 64 counties colorado . colorado Counties are central units of government in colorado since the note has no auxiliary noncombatant subdivisions untold as townships. Two of these counties, the City and County of Denver colorado and the City and County of Broomfield colorado , keep consolidated city and county governments colorado .
The United express Office of Management and Budget colorado has be one Combined Statistical Area colorado , colorado cardinal Metropolitan Statistical Areas colorado , colorado and cardinal Micropolitan Statistical Areas colorado colorado in the note of colorado. colorado
The more ample Denver-Aurora-Boulder, CO have Statistical Area colorado had an reason population of 3,157,520 on July 1, 2011, an added of +2.16% since the 2010 connects express Census. colorado
The note of colorado presently has 271 about incorporated municipalities colorado , include 196 towns, 73 cities, and two consolidate city and county governments. colorado colorado
In addition to its 271 municipalities, colorado has 187 unincorporated colorado Census labeled Places colorado and galore variant atomic communities.
The 16 censuses labeled travel in colorado with a population of at least 10,000 been censuses labeled travel 2010 censuses 2000 censuses improved 7000100000000000000♠1 Highlands Ranch colorado
7001363480001691780♠+36.35% 7000200000000000000♠2
Security-Widefield colorado
7001101759088624560♠+10.18% 7000300000000000000♠3
Ken Caryl colorado
7000502153009356690♠+5.02% 7000400000000000000♠4
Dakota Ridge colorado
0000000000000000000NA 7000500000000000000♠5
Pueblo West colorado
7001753772412568790♠+75.38% 7000600000000000000♠6
Columbine colorado
6999767794148163530♠+0.77% 7000700000000000000♠7
Clifton colorado
7001146670510233500♠+14.67% 7000800000000000000♠8
Sherrelwood colorado
7000356799003228180♠+3.57% 7000900000000000000♠9
Cimarron Hills colorado
7000636435435040150♠+6.36% 7001100000000000000♠10
Welby colorado
7001144376782548370♠+14.44% 7001110000000000000♠11
Fort Carson colorado
7001307306454665910♠+30.73% 7001120000000000000♠12
Black Forest colorado
3000011096852117460♠−0.99% 7001130000000000000♠13
Berkley colorado
7000431909150144280♠+4.32% 7001140000000000000♠14
Cherry Creek colorado
0000000000000000000NA 7001150000000000000♠15
PinThe Pinery colorado
7001450020681097480♠+45.00% 7001160000000000000♠16
Edwards colorado
7001243308707763110♠+24.33% See also: Places in colorado colorado circumstantial standardized any of these standardized keep authority to levy sales tax and well as property tax and use fees. This has led to a hodgepodge of sales tax and property tax evaluate in Colorado. thither are any street intersections in colorado with a different sales tax rate on each corner, sometimes substantially different. colorado is considered a swing state colorado in any note and nationalist elections. Coloradans keep adopted 17 Democrats colorado and 12 Republicans colorado to the governorship in the decide 100 years. In presidential politics, colorado was considered a reliably Republican note during the post-World War II era, only adopted for the antiauthoritarian candidate in 1964 and 1992. However, it became a competitive setting note by the turn of the century, and voted consecutively for Democrat Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.
The note of colorado is equal by its two United express Senators colorado :
United express Senate categorize 2 colorado – Cory Gardner colorado " title="Republican Party ">Republican colorado ) 2015–
United express Senate categorize 3 colorado – Michael Bennet colorado " title="Democratic Party ">Democratic colorado ) 2009–
On the November 8, 1932 ballot, colorado accept the repeal of alcohol prohibition colorado more than a year earlier the Twenty-first Amendment to the connects express Constitution colorado was ratified.
Colleges and universities in colorado: Adams note University colorado
Aims Community College colorado
Arapahoe Community College colorado
Art initiate of colorado colorado
Belleview Christian College & Bible Seminary colorado
colorado Christian University colorado
colorado College colorado
colorado Mesa University colorado
colorado Mountain College colorado
colorado northbound Community College colorado
colorado educate of Mines colorado
colorado note University System colorado colorado note University colorado
colorado note University-Pueblo colorado colorado proficient University colorado
Community College of Aurora colorado
Community College of Denver colorado
Denver Seminary colorado
DeVry University colorado
Emily Griffith Opportunity School colorado
Ecotech Institute colorado
Fort Lewis College colorado
Front crops Community College colorado
Iliff educate of Theology colorado
Johnson & Wales University colorado
Jones world University colorado
Lamar Community College colorado
Metropolitan note University of Denver colorado
Morgan Community College colorado
Naropa University colorado
National scientific University colorado
Nazarene Bible College colorado
Northeastern younger College colorado
Otero younger College colorado
Pikes reached Community College colorado
Pueblo Community College colorado
Red Rocks Community College colorado
Redstone College colorado
Regis University colorado
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design colorado
Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine colorado
Trinidad note younger College colorado
United express Air compel Academy colorado
University of colorado System colorado University of colorado Boulder colorado
University of Colorado colorado Springs colorado
University of colorado Denver colorado Anschutz Medical Campus colorado
Auraria Campus colorado University of Denver colorado
University of union colorado colorado
Western note colorado University colorado colorado See also: List of colleges and universities in colorado colorado , Table of colorado educate districts colorado and Table of colorado specified schools colorado martial installations colorado colorado
Fort Carson colorado . colorado colorado
Peterson Air compel Base colorado .
Former martial installations and outposts include: Camp Collins colorado Camp Hale colorado Fitzsimons Army Hospital colorado Fort Garland colorado Fort Logan colorado Lowry Air compel Base colorado defend areas colorado colorado
Lowry Pueblo colorado in Canyons of the Ancients federal Monument colorado colorado colorado
Great velvet needle federal put and Preserve colorado colorado colorado polishing crab home in Mesa Verde federal Park colorado important articles: List of nationalist arrive in colorado colorado and colorado note Parks colorado
Units of the federal put System in colorado: Arapaho federal Recreation Area colorado colorado
Bent's Old accommodate federal then Site colorado
Black Canyon of the Gunnison federal Park colorado
Browns Canyon federal Monument colorado colorado
Canyons of the Ancients federal Monument colorado colorado
Chimney Rock federal Monument colorado colorado
colorado federal Monument colorado
Continental separate federal pleasurable Trail colorado colorado
Curecanti federal Recreation Area colorado
Dinosaur federal Monument colorado
Florissant Fossil gates federal Monument colorado
Great velvet needle federal put and Preserve colorado
Hovenweep federal Monument colorado
Mesa Verde federal Park colorado and UNESCO World Heritage Site colorado
Old Spanish federal then Trail colorado
Pony word federal then Trail colorado
Rocky Mountain federal Park colorado
Sand Creek hit federal then Site colorado
Santa Fe federal then Trail colorado
Yucca home federal Monument colorado See also: colorado trails colorado and colorado pleasurable and then byways colorado have colorado colorado
The colorado Rockies colorado baseball league at Coors Field colorado . colorado colorado
Sports Authority fielding at Mile High colorado , chambers of the Denver Broncos colorado and the Denver Outlaws colorado . colorado colorado
Pepsi Center colorado , chambers of the Denver Nuggets colorado , the colorado Avalanche colorado , and the colorado Mammoth colorado . colorado colorado
Dick's keep Goods Park colorado , chambers of the colorado Rapids colorado . important article: Sports in colorado colorado
The Pikes reached world shape Climb colorado is a bones hillclimbing travel campaigns see at the Pikes reached Highway.
The following universities and colleges act in the National collegial Athletic Association colorado Division I colorado . The most favorite college keep schedule is the University of colorado Buffaloes, who employed to vie in the Big-12 but now vie in the Pac-12. They keep won the 1957 and 1991 Orange Bowl colorado , 1995 Fiesta Bowl colorado and 1996 Cotton bowls Classic colorado .
NCAA Division I athletic slot in colorado classify educate City Conference Air compel Falcons colorado
United express Air compel Academy colorado
colorado Springs colorado
Mountain West colorado colorado colorado Buffaloes colorado
University of colorado Boulder colorado
Boulder colorado
Pac-12 colorado colorado colorado College Tigers colorado colorado
colorado College colorado
colorado Springs colorado
NCHC colorado colorado
Mountain West colorado colorado note Rams colorado
colorado note University colorado
Fort Collins colorado
Mountain West colorado Denver Pioneers colorado
University of Denver colorado
Denver colorado
Summit colorado colorado Northern colorado Bears colorado
University of union colorado colorado
Greeley colorado
Big Sky colorado colorado See besides colorado
North America portal colorado colorado
United express portal colorado colorado
colorado portal colorado Outline of colorado colorado – perform inventory of topics around colorado
Index of colorado-related articles colorado
Bibliography of colorado colorado
List of populate from colorado colorado
schedule on colorado colorado write ^ colorado colorado
^ a colorado b colorado c colorado d colorado "Table 1. Annual calculate of the Population for the connects States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2014" colorado . 2014 Population Estimates. United express censuses Bureau colorado , Population Division. December 2014. Retrieved December 27, 2014.
^ a colorado b colorado colorado
^ a colorado b colorado "Mount Elbert" colorado . NGS data sheet. U.S. federal geodesic Survey colorado . Retrieved October 20, 2011.
^ a colorado b colorado c colorado "Elevations and have in the connects States" colorado . United express geologic Survey colorado . 2001. Retrieved October 21, 2011.
^ a colorado b colorado Elevation dress to North American plum Datum of 1988 colorado .
^ colorado The peak of Mount Elbert colorado is the advanced aim of the Rocky Mountains colorado of northbound America.
^ colorado "colorado – Definition" colorado . aristocratic 13, 2010. Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "colorado -" colorado ., LLC. Retrieved aristocratic 17, 2013.
^ colorado Writers label Guide colorado , colorado note University. Retrieved January 19, 2009.
^ colorado Quillen, Ed . "coloradoan or Coloradan" colorado . Denver Post. Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ a colorado b colorado Forty-third connects express Congress colorado . "An Act to change the populate of colorado to Form a Constitution and note Government, and for the Admission of the express note into the yankee on an Equal Footing with the Original States" colorado . collect from the original colorado on May 7, 2008. Retrieved April 14, 2008.
^ colorado U.S. geologic Survey. "Elevations and Distances" colorado . Retrieved September 8, 2006.
^ colorado "colorado County Highpoints" colorado . Retrieved February 27, 2012.
^ a colorado b colorado Doesken, Nolan J.; Pielke, Roger A., Sr. colorado ; Bliss, Odilia A.P. . "Climate of colorado" colorado . colorado Climate refer – Department of atmospherical Science – colorado note University colorado . Retrieved January 25, 2009.
^ colorado U.S. put Service. "Rocky Mountain Region 14ers" colorado . Retrieved November 6, 2009.
^ colorado "Pikes Peak, colorado" colorado . Retrieved October 10, 2009.
^ colorado colorado Western Regional Climate Center. Retrieved October 24, 2006.
^ a colorado b colorado "Denver, colorado moving weathered Averages" colorado . Weatherbase. Retrieved July 10, 2013.
^ colorado Slater, Jane . "Thursday's Tornado State's 4th Costliest Disaster" colorado . KMGH colorado .
^ colorado "Denver's next 90 Degree Streaks" colorado . National weathered Service colorado . Retrieved October 10, 2009.
^ colorado "A History of Drought" colorado . Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ colorado "Record advanced Temperatures by State" colorado . National climatical Data Center colorado . January 1, 2004. Retrieved January 11, 2007.
^ colorado "Record worst Temperatures by State" colorado . National climatical Data Center colorado . January 1, 2004. Retrieved January 11, 2007.
^ colorado colorado Retrieved June 20, 2015
^ colorado colorado Archived colorado January 17, 2013 at the Wayback Machine colorado
^ colorado "Largest colorado tremble since 1973 setting homes" colorado . USA Today. aristocratic 23, 2011. Retrieved aristocratic 23, 2011.
^ colorado "Genocide pumice Out autochthonal American Population colorado ", Discovery News, September 20, 2010.
^ colorado "An Act to giving a acting Government for the Territory of colorado" colorado . Thirty-sixth connects express Congress colorado . February 28, 1861. Retrieved June 12, 2007.
^ colorado aboriginal explorers distinguished the Gunnison River colorado in colorado as the headwaters colorado of the colorado River. The Grand River colorado in colorado was concomitant tentatively distinguished as the uppercase headwaters of the river. eventually in 1916, E.C. LaRue colorado , the important Hydrologist of the United express geologic Survey colorado , distinguished the caucasoid River in southbound Wyoming as the becoming headwaters of the actual, widespread colorado River.
^ colorado note of colorado – Division of Information Technologies. "State designate and Nicknames" colorado . Retrieved November 15, 2006.
^ colorado warning of the analyse expedition from Santa Fé, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the ample colorado of the West, in 1859: alto the general of Capt. J. N. Macomb, Corps of topographic engineers, Volume 1 @ colorado
^ colorado President of the connects express of America . "Proclamation of the Admission of colorado to the Union" colorado . The American Presidency Project. Retrieved April 14, 2008.
^ colorado Resident Population Data. "Resident Population Data – 2010 Census" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "Population growth – colorado counties" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "Population and Population involves by note – 2000" colorado . United States Census Bureau. Retrieved December 4, 2008.
^ a colorado b colorado Historical censuses Statistics on Population been By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By latino Origin, 1970 to 1990, For The connects States, Regions, Divisions, and States colorado
^ colorado Population of colorado: censuses 2010 and 2000 synergistic Map, Demographics, Statistics, abstain Facts colorado
^ colorado 2010 censuses Data colorado
^ colorado colorado
^ colorado "Historical censuses Statistics on Population been By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By latino Origin, 1970 to 1990, For The connects States, Regions, Divisions, and States" colorado . U.S. censuses Bureau. Retrieved January 3, 2012.
^ colorado Fred Elbel, CAIR . "Crime and amerciable exchange in Colorado – CAIR – colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "Language Map Data Center" colorado . July 17, 2007. Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ colorado "talking around colorado in "nada"" colorado . June 30, 2007. Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ colorado "National indispensable Statistics Reports, Volume 57, be 12, " colorado . Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ colorado colorado , COHID outputs Data order ^ colorado colorado , Statemaster colorado
^ colorado That note is colorado. A circumstantial warning from the I-News speaks at mountainous Mountain PBS. colorado Retrieved in January 30, 2014.
^ colorado colorado
^ colorado colorado
^ colorado "The Association of Religion Data collect | note Membership Report" colorado . Retrieved November 7, 2013.
^ colorado colorado
^ colorado "Fattest express 2010: CalorieLab's Annual Obesity Map – note Obesity Rankings | CalorieLab – Health News & Information Blog" colorado . CalorieLab. June 28, 2010. Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado Cangialosi, Jason. "Scenic Memorabilia: colorado's rescue Locations" colorado . Yahoo! Movies. Retrieved gimp 4, 2013.
^ colorado Knowlton, Andrew. "America's Foodiest Town 2010: Boulder, colorado: In the Magazine" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado colorado Archived colorado aristocratic 13, 2014 at the Wayback Machine colorado
^ colorado Arnold, Katie . "As Skiers setting Aspen, Chowhounds lead Their Place" colorado . Aspen : Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "colorado moving Guide" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado Jackenthal, Stefani . "Biking colorado's drink Country" colorado . colorado: Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "The Jefferson Cup Invitational drink Competition" colorado . November 24, 2010. Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "Wine Industry have indentured – Is colorado the New Washington?" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado colorado
^ colorado "colorado drink Industry Development Board" colorado . Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado "colorado" colorado . Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^ colorado "The Denver Beer Triangle" colorado . Retrieved June 18, 2013.
^ colorado Amendment 64: .j
^ colorado "colorado Senate account 14-184" colorado . Retrieved 13 October 2014.
^ colorado "Active note Medical Marijuana slot - NORML" colorado . Retrieved June 4, 2008.
^ colorado Young, Saundra , Marijuana halt child's intensive seizures colorado , CNN colorado , retrieved January 1, 2014
^ colorado colorado laws refer to Medical Marijuana colorado , colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2014, retrieved January 1, 2014 any think are found, include .PDF record to download.
^ colorado Campbell, Greg , colorado may fund experiment into medical marijuana, different first colorado , The cyclic Caller colorado , retrieved January 1, 2014
^ colorado Markus, Ben , colorado to winter millions research medical marijuana benefits colorado , colorado Public Radio colorado , retrieved January 1, 2014
^ colorado Healy, Jack. "colorado have ground opening Their Doors to Pot Buyers" colorado . The New York Times colorado . Retrieved January 1, 2014.
^ colorado America's Top express for Business 2010." CNBC circumstantial warning : 1. Web. May 9, 2011. < colorado >.
^ colorado "GDP by State" colorado . Greyhill Advisors. Retrieved September 7, 2011.
^ colorado "References" colorado . Retrieved July 30, 2010.
^ colorado Frank, Tony . "colorado beach Ownership by County " colorado . colorado Department of Agriculture. collect from the original colorado on January 16, 2006. Retrieved July 15, 2007. colorado Department of Agriculture: beach Ownership colorado
^ colorado "colorado travel on Fat exhaust to beer heights" colorado . November 24, 2007. Retrieved June 5, 2011.
^ colorado colorado idiosyncratic income tax travel colorado . Retrieved September 26, 2006.
^ colorado U.S. idiosyncratic Income Tax travel online copy colorado . Retrieved September 26, 2006.
^ colorado colorado ; topical Area Unemployment Statistics
^ colorado "Philanthropy in colorado" colorado . colorado Association of Funders. collect from the original colorado on 19 October 2013.
^ colorado "EIA note Energy Profiles: colorado" colorado . June 12, 2008. Retrieved June 24, 2008.
^ colorado Year to Date Passenger Traffic colorado
^ colorado "2009 Annual Report" colorado . City & County of Denver Department of Aviation. Retrieved July 11, 2012.
^ colorado "Railroads and States" colorado . Retrieved July 10, 2013.
^ colorado Nicholson, Kieran . "Immigrants show illicitly recommences obtaining colorado driver licenses" colorado . Denver Post. Retrieved 1 aristocratic 2014.
^ colorado "524 Non-Citizens conventional Regular colorado Driver's Licenses, DMV Says" colorado . KCNC . 12 September 2014. Retrieved 19 February 2015.
^ colorado "State of Residence in 2000 by note of Birth" colorado . US censuses Bureau colorado . Retrieved October 10, 2009.
^ colorado "colorado Counties" colorado . note of colorado, Department of topical Affairs. January 8, 2007. Retrieved January 30, 2007.
^ colorado The United express Office of Management and Budget colorado be a Combined Statistical Area colorado as an multiple of closer Core basing Statistical Areas colorado that are think by improved ties.
^ colorado The United express Office of Management and Budget colorado be a Metropolitan Statistical Area colorado as a Core basing Statistical Area colorado have at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, nonnegative adjacent territory that has a advanced degree of societal and businesslike integration with the core as decide by improved ties.
^ colorado The United express Office of Management and Budget colorado be a Micropolitan Statistical Area colorado as a Core basing Statistical Area colorado having at least one urban cluster of at least 10,000 but less than 50,000 population, nonnegative adjacent territory that has a high degree of societal and businesslike integration with the core as decide by improved ties.
^ colorado "OMB broadcasts No. 10-02: change of Statistical Area Definitions and Guidance on Their Uses" colorado . United express Office of Management and Budget colorado . December 1, 2009. Retrieved January 7, 2010.
^ a colorado b colorado c colorado "American Factfinder" colorado . United express censuses Bureau colorado . Retrieved April 19, 2012.
^ colorado "Active colorado Municipalities" colorado . note of colorado, Department of topical Affairs. Retrieved May 11, 2011.
^ colorado "colorado topical Government by Type" colorado . note of colorado, Department of topical Affairs. February 27, 2007. Retrieved May 11, 2011.
^ colorado Healy, Jack. "colorado have ground opening Their Doors to Pot Buyers" colorado . The New York Times colorado . Retrieved January 1, 2014.
^ colorado By legislative act enacts aristocratic 1, 2012, accept by Governor John Hickenlooper colorado .
^ a colorado b colorado attain by the United express Department of Agriculture colorado , National put Service colorado .
^ colorado collectively attain by the United express Department of the Interior colorado , Bureau of beach Management colorado and the United express Department of Agriculture colorado , National put Service colorado .
^ colorado attain by the United express Department of the Interior colorado , Bureau of beach Management colorado .
^ colorado collectively attain by the United express Department of Agriculture colorado , National put Service colorado , and the United express Department of the Interior colorado , National put Service colorado and Bureau of beach Management colorado .
^ colorado Several Air compel classify participate in other conferences, or as independents, in have that the MW does not sponsor: Boxing, a men-only keep which is not sanctioned by the NCAA, plays as an independent.
Fencing, a coeducational keep with men's and women's squads, besides plays as an independent.
Men's and women's gymnastics both plays in the Mountain Pacific have Federation colorado .
Men's ice hockey plays in Atlantic Hockey colorado .
Men's lacrosse presently plays as an independent, and willing united the Southern Conference colorado for the 2016 flavour .
Rifle, which at Air compel is a incorporating sport, plays in the Patriot lead Conference colorado .
Men's soccer and women's moving & travel plays in the Western Athletic Conference colorado .
Wrestling, a men-only sport, plays in the Western battles Conference colorado . ^ colorado any colorado classify act in variant conferences in have that the Pac-12 perform not sponsor: Women's lacrosse and men's and women's interior track & field all plays in the Mountain Pacific have Federation colorado .
Skiing, a incorporating keep with men's and women's squads, plays in the Rocky Mountain interscholastic Ski Association colorado . ^ colorado colorado College is a member of NCAA Division III colorado , but handle Division I classify in men's ice hockey and women's soccer.
^ colorado The National collegial Hockey Conference colorado is a National collegial Athletic Association colorado Division I colorado ice hockey colorado -only conference.
^ colorado Several Denver classify act in other conferences in have that The peak League perform not sponsor: Women's gymnastics plays in the Mountain Rim Gymnastics Conference.
Men's ice hockey plays in the National collegial Hockey Conference colorado .
Men's lacrosse plays in the Big easter Conference colorado .
Women's lacrosse plays in the Mountain Pacific have Federation colorado .
Skiing, a incorporating keep with men's and women's squads, plays in the Rocky Mountain interscholastic Ski Association colorado . ^ colorado Several union colorado teams act in variant conferences in sports that the Big Sky perform not sponsor: Baseball and women's moving & travel compete in the Western Athletic Conference colorado .
Wrestling, a men-only sport, plays in the Western battles Conference colorado . favor interpret analyse colorado, A Naturalist's Handbook, The Denver Museum of earthy History and Westcliff Publishers, 1995, ISBN 1-56579-124-X colorado for an superior manipulate to the ecologic regions of Colorado.
The Archeology of Colorado, rewritten Edition, E. Steve Cassells, Johnson Books, Boulder, colorado, 1997, marketing paperback, ISBN 1-55566-193-9 colorado .
Chokecherry Places, behave from the advanced Plains, Merrill Gilfillan, Johnson Press, Boulder, colorado, marketing paperback, ISBN 1-55566-227-7 colorado .
The Tie That Binds colorado , Kent Haruf colorado , 1984, hardcover, ISBN 0-03-071979-8 colorado , a fictional charging of take in Colorado. railroad of Colorado: Your manipulate to colorado's then conditioning and Railway Sites, Claude Wiatrowski, Voyageur Press, 2002, hardcover, 160 pages, ISBN 0-89658-591-3 colorado outermost think determine more around colorado
at sister projects colorado colorado
Definitions colorado from Wiktionary colorado
Media colorado from Commons colorado
News stories colorado from colorado
Quotations colorado from colorado
Source texts colorado from colorado
Textbooks colorado from colorado
Learning resources colorado from note government colorado note government website colorado colorado Department of Transportation colorado colorado highway maps colorado colorado moving Map colorado colorado counties colorado
colorado municipalities colorado
colorado circumstantial districts colorado
colorado tourism colorado List of searchable databases perform by colorado note agencies colorado hosts by the American Library Association Government record Roundtable colorado . nationalist government Energy & Environmental Data for colorado colorado
USGS Colorado note facts, real-time, geographic, and variant technological resources of colorado colorado
United express censuses Bureau colorado colorado QuickFacts colorado
colorado businesslike data colorado
colorado house data colorado
colorado societal data colorado USDA ERS colorado note facts colorado variant History colorado colorado
colorado County Evolution colorado
Ask colorado colorado
2000 censuses of Population and house for colorado colorado
Mountain and setting put of colorado and the Southwest colorado ,
Climate of colorado colorado
colorado colorado at DMOZ colorado geographical data think to colorado colorado at OpenStreetMap colorado
Holocene Volcano in colorado colorado Wyoming colorado
Wyoming colorado
Nebraska colorado Utah colorado Kansas colorado colorado : Outline colorado • Index colorado Arizona colorado
New Mexico colorado
Oklahoma colorado Preceded by
Nebraska colorado
List of U.S. express by date of admission to the Union colorado
Admitted on aristocratic 1, 1876 Succeeded by
North Dakota colorado v colorado
t colorado
e colorado State colorado of colorado Denver colorado Topics colorado Index colorado
Coloradans colorado
Elections colorado
Federal lands colorado
Geography colorado
Government colorado
Highways colorado
History colorado Timeline colorado Images colorado
Law colorado
Military colorado
Mountains colorado
Museums colorado
Paleontology colorado
Rivers colorado
Symbols colorado
Transportation colorado
Visitor attractions colorado Society Crime colorado
Culture colorado
Demographics colorado
Economy colorado
Education colorado
Politics colorado
Sports colorado Regions colorado Central colorado colorado
Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area colorado
Eastern Plains colorado
Front Range colorado
Grand Valley colorado
High Plains colorado
High Rockies colorado
Mineral Belt colorado
Northern colorado colorado
Northwestern colorado colorado
Piedmont colorado
Plateau colorado
Roan Plateau colorado
Roaring travel Valley colorado
San Luis Valley colorado
Sangre de Cristo Mountains colorado
South-Central colorado colorado
Southwest colorado colorado
Uinta Mountains colorado
Uintah Basin colorado
Western Slope colorado Municipalities colorado Akron colorado
Alamosa colorado
Arvada colorado
Aspen colorado
Aurora colorado
Boulder colorado
Breckenridge colorado
Brighton colorado
Broomfield colorado
Cañon City colorado
Castle Rock colorado
Centennial colorado
colorado Springs colorado
Commerce City colorado
Cortez colorado
Craig colorado
Delta colorado
Denver colorado
Durango colorado
Englewood colorado
Erie colorado
Evans colorado
Fairplay colorado
Federal Heights colorado
Fort Collins colorado
Fort Morgan colorado
Fountain colorado
Golden colorado
Glenwood Springs colorado
Grand Junction colorado
Greeley colorado
Greenwood Village colorado
Gunnison colorado
La Junta colorado
Lafayette colorado
Lakewood colorado
Lamar colorado
Leadville colorado
Littleton colorado
Longmont colorado
Louisville colorado
Loveland colorado
Montrose colorado
Northglenn colorado
Parker colorado
Platteville colorado
Pueblo colorado
Salida colorado
Steamboat Springs colorado
Sterling colorado
Superior colorado
Thornton colorado
Trinidad colorado
Vail colorado
Westminster colorado
Wheat Ridge colorado
Windsor colorado Counties colorado Adams colorado
Alamosa colorado
Arapahoe colorado
Archuleta colorado
Baca colorado
Bent colorado
Boulder colorado
Broomfield colorado
Chaffee colorado
Cheyenne colorado
Clear Creek colorado
Conejos colorado
Costilla colorado
Crowley colorado
Custer colorado
Delta colorado
Denver colorado
Dolores colorado
Douglas colorado
Eagle colorado
El Paso colorado
Elbert colorado
Fremont colorado
Garfield colorado
Gilpin colorado
Grand colorado
Gunnison colorado
Hinsdale colorado
Huerfano colorado
Jackson colorado
Jefferson colorado
Kiowa colorado
Kit Carson colorado
La Plata colorado
Lake colorado
Larimer colorado
Las Animas colorado
Lincoln colorado
Logan colorado
Mesa colorado
Mineral colorado
Moffat colorado
Montezuma colorado
Montrose colorado
Morgan colorado
Otero colorado
Ouray colorado
Park colorado
Phillips colorado
Pitkin colorado
Prowers colorado
Pueblo colorado
Rio Blanco colorado
Rio Grande colorado
Routt colorado
Saguache colorado
San Juan colorado
San Miguel colorado
Sedgwick colorado
Summit colorado
Teller colorado
Washington colorado
Weld colorado
Yuma colorado
colorado Topics think to colorado v colorado
t colorado
e colorado Mayors colorado of cities with populations transcend 100,000 colorado in colorado colorado Michael Hancock colorado Steve Bach colorado Steve Hogan colorado Karen Weitkunat colorado Bob Murphy colorado Erik Hansen colorado Bob Frie colorado Nancy McNally colorado Barbara Vidmar colorado City Council President
Cathy Noon colorado Matthew Appelbaum colorado variant express AL colorado
AZ colorado
CA colorado
CO colorado
CT colorado
FL colorado
GA colorado
IL colorado
IN colorado
IA colorado
KS colorado
LA colorado
MA colorado
MI colorado
MN colorado
MO colorado
NV colorado
NJ colorado
NY colorado
NC colorado
OH colorado
OK colorado
OR colorado
PA colorado
TN colorado
TX colorado
UT colorado
VA colorado
WA colorado
WI colorado
WY v colorado
t colorado
e colorado Protected areas colorado of the State of colorado colorado Federal colorado National Parks colorado Black Canyon of the Gunnison colorado
Great velvet Dunes colorado
Mesa Verde colorado
Rocky Mountain colorado National Monuments colorado Browns Canyon colorado Canyons of the Ancients colorado Chimney Rock colorado colorado colorado
Dinosaur colorado
Florissant Fossil Beds colorado
Hovenweep colorado
Yucca House colorado National Recreation Areas colorado Arapaho colorado Curecanti colorado National then Sites colorado Bent's Old Fort colorado
Sand Creek Massacre colorado National then Trails colorado Old Spanish Trail colorado
Oregon Trail colorado
Pony word Trail colorado
Santa Fe Trail colorado National pleasurable Trail colorado Continental separate Trail colorado National Forests colorado Arapaho colorado
Grand Mesa colorado
Gunnison colorado
Pike colorado
Rio Grande colorado
Roosevelt colorado
Routt colorado
San Isabel colorado
San Juan colorado
Uncompahgre colorado
White River colorado National Grasslands colorado Comanche colorado
Pawnee colorado National Wilderness colorado Black Canyon of the Gunnison colorado
Black enclosed Canyons colorado
Buffalo Peaks colorado
Byers Peak colorado
Cache La Poudre colorado
Collegiate Peaks colorado
Comanche Peak colorado
Dominguez colorado
Eagles Nest colorado
Flat Tops colorado
Fossil Ridge colorado
Great velvet Dunes colorado
Greenhorn Mountain colorado
Gunnison Gorge colorado
Holy Cross colorado
Hunter-Fryingpan colorado
Indian Peaks colorado
James Peak colorado
La Garita colorado
Lizard Head colorado
Lost Creek colorado
Maroon Bells-Snowmass colorado
Mesa Verde colorado
Mount Evans colorado
Mount Massive colorado
Mount Sneffels colorado
Mount Zirkel colorado
Neota colorado
Never Summer colorado
Platte River colorado
Powderhorn colorado
Ptarmigan Peak colorado
Raggeds colorado
Rawah colorado
Rocky Mountain federal Park colorado
Sangre de Cristo colorado
Sarvis Creek colorado
South San Juan colorado
Spanish Peaks colorado
Uncompahgre colorado
Vasquez Peak colorado
Weminuche colorado
West Elk colorado National Conservation Areas colorado Dominguez-Escalante colorado
Gunnison Gorge colorado
McInnis Canyons colorado National Wildlife Refuges colorado Alamosa colorado
Arapaho colorado
Baca colorado
Browns Park colorado
Monte Vista colorado
Rocky Flats colorado
Rocky Mountain Arsenal colorado
Two Ponds colorado BLM ACECs colorado 66 Areas of captious Environmental Concern colorado note colorado note Parks colorado Arkansas Headwaters colorado
Barr Lake colorado
Bonny Lake colorado
Boyd Lake colorado
Castlewood Canyon colorado
Chatfield colorado
Cherry Creek colorado
Cheyenne Mountain colorado
Crawford colorado
Eldorado Canyon colorado
Eleven Mile colorado
Elkhead colorado
Golden gates Canyon colorado
Harvey Gap colorado
Highline Lake colorado
Jackson Lake colorado
James M. Robb - colorado River colorado
John Martin Reservoir colorado
Lake Pueblo colorado
Lathrop colorado
Lone Mesa colorado
Lory colorado
Mancos colorado
Mueller colorado
Navajo colorado
North Sterling colorado
Paonia colorado
Pearl Lake colorado
Ridgway colorado
Rifle Falls colorado
Rifle Gap colorado
Roxborough colorado
San Luis colorado
Spinney Mountain colorado
St. Vrain colorado
Stagecoach colorado
State Forest colorado
Staunton colorado
Steamboat Lake colorado
Sweitzer Lake colorado
Sylvan Lake colorado
Trinidad Lake colorado
Vega colorado
Yampa River colorado colorado earthy Areas colorado Aiken Canyon colorado
Ant Hill colorado
Antero-Salt Creek colorado
Arikaree River colorado
Badger Wash colorado
Blacks Gulch colorado
Blue Mountain colorado
Bonny Prairie colorado
Boston Peak Fen colorado
Boulder Mountain Park colorado
Boulder Valley Heronry colorado
Brush Creek Fen colorado
California Park colorado
Castlewood Canyon colorado
Chalk Bluffs colorado
colorado Tallgrass Prairie colorado
Comanche Grassland colorado
Copeland Willow Carr colorado
Cross Mountain Canyon colorado
Daves Draw colorado
Deep Creek colorado
Deer Gulch colorado
Dinosaur Ridge colorado
Dome Rock colorado
Droney Gulch colorado
Duck Creek colorado
Dudley Bluffs colorado
East Lost Park colorado
East Sand Dunes colorado
Elephant Rocks colorado
Elk River colorado
Escalante Canyon colorado
Escalante Creek colorado
Fairview colorado
Fourmile Creek colorado
Fruita Paleontological colorado
Garden Park Fossil colorado
Gateway Palisade colorado
Geneva Basin Iron Fens colorado
Gothic colorado
Gunnison Gravels colorado
Haviland Lake colorado
High Creek Fen colorado
High Mesa Grassland colorado
Hoosier Ridge colorado
Hurricane Canyon colorado
Indian Spring colorado
Indian Springs Trace Fossil colorado
Irish Canyon colorado
Jimmy Creek colorado
Ken-Caryl Ranch colorado
Kremmling Cretaceous Ammonite colorado
Lake Pasture colorado
Lake San Cristobal colorado
Limestone Ridge colorado
Lookout Mountain colorado
Lost Park colorado
Lower Greasewood Creek colorado
McElmo colorado
Mexican Cut colorado
Mini-Wheeler colorado
Miramonte Reservoir colorado
Mishak Lakes colorado
Moosehead Mountain colorado
Mount Callahan colorado
Mount Callahan Saddle colorado
Mount Emmons Iron Fen colorado
Mount Goliath colorado
Narraguinnep colorado
Needle Rock colorado
North Park Phacelia colorado
Orient Mine colorado
Owl Canyon colorado
Paradise Park colorado
Park Creek Hogback colorado
Park Mesa colorado
Pawnee Woodlands colorado
Pyramid Rock colorado
Rabbit Valley colorado
Rajadero Canyon colorado
Raven Ridge colorado
Redcloud Peak colorado
Rocky Mountain Woodfrog Pond colorado
Rough Canyon colorado
Roxborough colorado
Running Creek colorado
Ryan Gulch colorado
Saddle Mountain colorado
San Miguel River colorado
Sand Creek colorado
Shell Duck Creek colorado
Shell Rock colorado
Slumgullion Earthflow colorado
South Beaver Creek colorado
South Boulder Creek colorado
South Cathedral Bluffs colorado
Specimen Mountain colorado
Staunton colorado
Tabeguache colorado
Tamarack Ranch colorado
Tern Island colorado
Treasurevault Mountain colorado
Trinidad K-T Boundary colorado
Two Buttes colorado
Unaweep Seep colorado
Uncompahgre Fritillary colorado
Wacker Ranch colorado
West Creek colorado
Wheeler Geologic colorado
White Rocks colorado
Williams Creek colorado
Yanks Gulch/Upper Greasewood Creek earthy Area colorado
Zapata Falls colorado State Wildlife Areas colorado 307 colorado note Wildlife Areas colorado variant Trails colorado American Discovery Trail colorado
colorado Trail colorado
Continental separate Trail colorado
Great separate Trail colorado
Kokopelli Trail colorado
Paradox Trail colorado
Tabeguache Trail colorado colorado Department of earthy Resources colorado v colorado
t colorado
e colorado Political divisions colorado of the United States colorado States colorado Alabama colorado
Alaska colorado
Arizona colorado
Arkansas colorado
California colorado
Connecticut colorado
Delaware colorado
Florida colorado
Georgia colorado
Hawaii colorado
Idaho colorado
Illinois colorado
Indiana colorado
Iowa colorado
Kansas colorado
Kentucky colorado
Louisiana colorado
Maine colorado
Maryland colorado
Massachusetts colorado
Michigan colorado
Minnesota colorado
Mississippi colorado
Missouri colorado
Montana colorado
Nebraska colorado
Nevada colorado
New Hampshire colorado
New Jersey colorado
New Mexico colorado
New York colorado
North Carolina colorado
North Dakota colorado
Ohio colorado
Oklahoma colorado
Oregon colorado
Pennsylvania colorado
Rhode Island colorado
South Carolina colorado
South Dakota colorado
Tennessee colorado
Texas colorado
Utah colorado
Vermont colorado
Virginia colorado
Washington colorado
West Virginia colorado
Wisconsin colorado
Wyoming colorado Federal district colorado Washington, D.C. colorado Insular areas colorado American Samoa colorado
Guam colorado
Northern Mariana Islands colorado
Puerto Rico colorado
U.S. recent Islands colorado Outlying islands colorado Baker Island colorado
Howland Island colorado
Jarvis Island colorado
Johnston Atoll colorado
Kingman Reef colorado
Midway Atoll colorado
Navassa Island colorado
Palmyra Atoll colorado
Wake Island colorado Indian reservations colorado List of amerind reservations colorado largest colorado Associated states colorado Micronesia, consolidate express of colorado
Marshall Islands colorado
Palau colorado v colorado
t colorado
e colorado United States colorado articles History colorado Timeline colorado Pre-Columbian era colorado
Colonial era colorado Thirteen Colonies colorado
Military history colorado
Continental Congress colorado American Revolution colorado War colorado American frontier colorado
Federalist Era colorado
War of 1812 colorado
Territorial acquisitions colorado
Territorial evolution colorado
Mexican–American War colorado
Civil War colorado
Reconstruction Era colorado
Indian Wars colorado
Gilded Age colorado
Progressive Era colorado
African-American noncombatant Rights Movement 1865-1895 colorado / 1896-1954 colorado
Spanish–American War colorado
Imperialism colorado
World War I colorado
Roaring Twenties colorado
Great Depression colorado
World War II colorado Home front colorado American Century colorado
Cold War colorado
Korean War colorado
Space Race colorado
African-American noncombatant Rights Movement colorado
Feminist Movement colorado
Vietnam War colorado
Post-Cold War colorado
War on Terror colorado War in Afghanistan colorado
Iraq War colorado Timeline of contemporary American conservatism colorado By topic colorado Demographic colorado
Discoveries colorado
Economic colorado Debt ceiling colorado Inventions colorado before 1890 colorado
1890–1945 colorado
1946–91 colorado
after 1991 colorado Military colorado
Postal colorado
Technological and industrial colorado Geography colorado Cities, towns, and villages colorado
Counties colorado
Extreme points colorado
Islands colorado
Mountains colorado Peaks colorado
Ranges colorado
Appalachian colorado
Rocky colorado National put System colorado
Regions colorado East Coast colorado
West Coast colorado
Great Plains colorado
Gulf colorado
Mid-Atlantic colorado
Midwestern colorado
New England colorado
Pacific colorado
Central colorado
Eastern colorado
Northern colorado
Northeastern colorado
Northwestern colorado
Southern colorado
Southeastern colorado
Southwestern colorado
Western colorado Rivers colorado colorado colorado
Columbia colorado
Mississippi colorado
Missouri colorado
Ohio colorado
Rio Grande colorado States colorado
Territory colorado
Time colorado
Water gates and sanitation colorado Politics colorado Federal colorado Executive President colorado Executive Office colorado Cabinet colorado / Executive departments colorado
Civil service colorado
Independent agencies colorado
Law enforcement colorado
Public policy colorado Legislature Congress colorado Senate colorado Vice President colorado
President pro tem colorado House of Representatives colorado Speaker colorado Judiciary Supreme Court colorado
Federal judiciary colorado
Courts of appeals colorado
District courts colorado Law colorado Constitution colorado Federalism colorado
Preemption colorado
Separation of powers colorado Bill of Rights colorado Civil liberties colorado Code of nationalist Regulations colorado
Federal Reporter colorado
United express Code colorado
United express Reports colorado Intelligence colorado Central Intelligence Agency colorado
Defense Intelligence Agency colorado
Federal Bureau of Investigation colorado
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency colorado
National Reconnaissance Office colorado
National Security Agency colorado
Office of the Director of federal Intelligence colorado Uniformed colorado Armed Forces colorado Air Force colorado
Army colorado
Coast Guard colorado
Marine Corps colorado
National Guard colorado
Navy colorado NOAA Corps colorado
Public Health function Corps colorado Administrative divisions colorado
Elections colorado Electoral College colorado Foreign policy colorado
Foreign relations colorado
Ideologies colorado
Local governments colorado
Parties colorado Democratic Party colorado
Republican Party colorado
Third parties colorado 51st state colorado Political status of Puerto Rico colorado Red express and northern states colorado Purple America colorado Scandals colorado
State governments colorado
Uncle Sam colorado Economy colorado Agriculture colorado
Banking colorado
Communications colorado
Companies colorado by state colorado Dollar colorado
Energy colorado
Exports colorado
Federal Budget colorado
Federal order System colorado
Financial position colorado
Insurance colorado
Labor unions colorado
Mining colorado
Public debt colorado
Social welfare programs colorado
Taxation colorado
Tourism colorado
Trade colorado
Transportation colorado
Unemployment colorado
Wall Street colorado Society Culture colorado Americana colorado
Architecture colorado
Art colorado
Cinema colorado
Crime colorado
Cuisine colorado
Dance colorado
Demographics colorado
Education colorado
Family structure colorado
Fashion colorado
Flag colorado
Folklore colorado
Health care colorado
Health insurance colorado
Incarceration colorado
Languages colorado American English colorado
Indigenous languages colorado
ASL colorado Black American initial Language colorado HSL colorado
Plains initial Talk colorado
Arabic colorado
Chinese colorado
French colorado
German colorado
Italian colorado
Russian colorado
Spanish colorado Literature colorado
Media colorado
Music colorado
Names colorado
People colorado
Philosophy colorado
Public holidays colorado
Radio colorado
Religion colorado
Sports colorado
Television colorado
Theater colorado Social class colorado Affluence colorado
American Dream colorado
Educational attainment colorado
Homelessness colorado
Home-ownership colorado
Household income colorado
Income inequality colorado
Middle class colorado
Personal income colorado
Poverty colorado
Professional and work categorize conflict colorado
Smoking colorado
Standard of living colorado
Wealth colorado Issues colorado Abortion colorado
Affirmative action colorado
Anti-Americanism colorado
Capital punishment colorado
Criticism of government colorado
Discrimination colorado
Drug policy colorado
Energy policy colorado
Environmental movement colorado
Exceptionalism colorado
Gun politics colorado
Health mother reform colorado
Human rights colorado
Immigration colorado Illegal colorado International rankings colorado
Islamophobia colorado
LGBT rights colorado Same-sex marriage colorado Nationalism colorado
Obesity colorado
Racism colorado
Separation of execute and state colorado
Terrorism colorado Outline colorado
Index colorado Book colorado
Category colorado
Portal colorado
colorado | |
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